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Blob requires: - An AGA Amiga (PAL)
- 4 player joystick adapter if you want EIGHT players
at once. (Otherwise, it's only six)
- Friends (Blob is an inherently social activity)
Blob is known to work on the following systems:
Standard A1200
Standard A1200 with hard drive
A1200 with Apollo 1240/25, 10-Meg +HD
Important info bit:-
The Blob program actually contains two different game routines, one
for machines with an 020 processor and one for machines with an 030,
040 or 060 (This is to get the game running at full speed). If you
have an 020 Amiga with FAST RAM, you may get some glitches during the
game (Sprites flashing, and speeding up abnormally). If this is the
case then edit the "Run_Blob" file and change the appropriate
line to "Blob.exe FAST". Floppy users, adjust the corresponding line
in S:startup-sequence.
Hopefully this problem will not occur, but we haven't been able
to test it extensively, so can't be sure. Please contact us and tell
us whether Blob works correctly on your system.